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tv   Headline News  RT  April 22, 2013 9:00am-9:29am EDT

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the surviving suspect in last week's boston terror attack is reportedly awake and responding in writing to questions put to him by authorities nineteen year all those sort of is in intensive care under god after he was severely wounded in the throat in a shootout with police and the investigators task is to establish why an american citizen and his brother could have allegedly committed the deadly boston marathon attack and if indeed there were any accomplices auntie's anastasio has more from boston. he's currently at a boston hospital being treated for injuries we're hearing that he is awake and answering officials questions sporadically in writing they're asking him about any further possible accomplices in the boston bombings case as well as whether or not any further explosive devices should be of concern to officials but as of yet we're not hearing any details officials are not revealing any details in terms of the answers that is giving them of course all of this comes after he was arrested
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friday night after a mass lockdown took place in boston after unprecedented manhunt that took place here and a several hour shootout between law enforcement and this nineteen year old suspect we do know that he suffered injuries to his throat and was unable to speak and this is precisely what officials have been waiting for to be able to communicate with him to find out the motives to the boston bombings as well as the participation of any per possible further accomplices apart from the two brothers that have been hunted by a officials here throughout the week nineteen year old dzhokhar and twenty six year old to milan and of course we have to note that the miranda rights have been revoked the rights he has to remain silent as well as the rights to a lawyer are being denied to him because officials are interested in being able to question him without being able to use this right and the fact that his miranda rights have been revoked is receiving major criticism throughout the united states and causing really a lot of debate between certain politicians and civil rights groups also it's
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important to mention that republican lawmakers in the united states have been suggesting that to be treated as an enemy competent this is also been a topic of much debate because we are of course talking about a u.s. citizen as we do know back in two thousand and eleven they did receive a request from a foreign government this is russia's government that said that they should look into the identity of the older brother the older suspect to milan back that he was twenty four years. old and the f.b.i. did receive recommendations that they investigate him they did in fact bring to milan in for questioning the followed his phone calls they intercepted his social relationships as well as his activity online but did come to a conclusion that he is not dangerous and did end up freeing him and of course because the f.b.i. right now is being criticized for this they're going to trace their steps back look into what exactly they could have missed but also try to establish right now with the second suspect being alive whether the two brothers had any kind of connection
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to extremist groups that they might have overlooked two years ago and in the time in the years and days leading up to the bombings that took place here in boston also of course they're going to consider and look into the purposes of the trip to the older brother to milan when he went back to the north caucuses for about six months they're going to try to see whether or not this time was used for him to be able to communicate with extremist groups on the ground and. boston massachusetts. relatives and friends of. the elder brother kept a low profile during his trip to the north caucasus last year and they didn't seem like a religious fanatic you know all the father of the alleged bombers says he will travel from russia to the u.s. this week on a quest to find the truth that anybody has lots of questions for american police of course want to know but in a question of is in dagestan to tell us more. really almost anyone who has any links with the family is really in deep shock after what happened both relatives
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and friends now the brothers spare and stopped talking to the media assets early saturday but i managed to speak to a close relative of the family now her name is. and he was she was married to the boy's uncle now she told me how really tragic and difficult the life of the type and i have family was and that for years they have been moving from one place to another as the father couldn't find a proper job and they've moved twice from kyrgyzstan's first to church now than to dagestan were they span just a bit over a year and till they moved to the united states in two thousand and two she even showed us some pictures that we're taking during that time pictures that captured both brothers in their early women in one picture the older brother is just a bit over a year old now she spent a lot of time with tom avalon when he came here to dagestan last year to visit he has a parents and she describes him as
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a very family loving and caring young man and when i asked her whether he expressed any x. her interest in the slum she told me that his interest was never overwhelming. the middle long wasn't a religious fanatic he was curious about religion he started to be really interested in islam about three years ago but he was never a radical we would talk about his commitment to religion but it wasn't extreme it was really hard for her to speak she told me that. the younger brother was planning to come here to dagestan this may and now their father plans a trip to the united states to bury his alza son time at a line so as for many here if she couldn't the woman couldn't really believe that they were involved in the tragedy. it's impossible to believe that they could have carried it out just impossible it's terrible. but if you believe their children who restricted their parents
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a lot of time or learned was very attentive to older people to use family for him have been was of use mother's feet both parents mobile phones are switched off or rarely own line and it's really impossible to reach them but i have since managed to speak to the mother of the two brothers and to be that's kept repeating their first son's were innocent she also mentioned that her eldest son tamerlan was under constant surveillance for years when both parents before mentioned that told them that the i would be i can talk to him right after the boston bombings and ask him for questioning however the outfield would be out later denied that information now as for the father i spoke with him also in a telephone conversation just yesterday and he told me that he doesn't want to talk to any media right now so really dozens of journalists from all over the world is that how descended on this region hold that the man's family will speak and eventually shed some light to how their boys and it up the main suspects in the
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boston terrorist attack. reporting right now let's talk a bit further and talk to the store and john walker lindh the director of studies of the institute of cooperation joining us live here on our good to see today so there's been talk of church and connection in this case but certainly both brothers lived in america for almost a decade is it possible with all that they could become radicalized while living in the u.s. . it seems definitely to be the case i mean i would stress that one of the suspects is dead and the other one can't speak so i think we need to be a little careful before accepting at face value the narrative of a boston police force which of course is under massive pressure to find a guilty person and we need to bear in mind that the american justice system like everyone else in the world everyone else's system is based on the presumption of innocence but if the police never narrative is correct then yes they have become
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radicalized not only while i'm on american soil but also as your reporter has just pointed out while under at least some kind of surveillance by the f.b.i. the journalistic comment now is pointing to negligence on the part of the f.b.i. they were going to join them so enjoy living is just going through i just want to take just a couple were just a couple of steps further because you bring up a very very good point indeed russia did warn the u.s. a couple of years ago that the all that sort of my brother had a radical islamist links were why did the f.b.i. fail to take proper action. i don't know but the question now is was it incompetent that's the primary line of questioning which is being aired in the media i'm afraid there might need to be another line of questioning. i don't want to put forward any. suggestions for which i have no basis i don't have any basis for what i'm about to say but i'm afraid in the
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history of the world there are examples of countries tolerating or encouraging terrorist attacks on their own territory for political reasons i repeat i have no proof at all that this is the case in this in this example but history unfortunately does give us precedence for such cynical activity and the fact is that whatever the truth may be about these brothers there has been a long history of american us american particularly neoconservative friendship towards and support for the chechen rebels in general at the time of the beslan massacre for example the blame in the american media was put exclusively on russia and not on the chechens themselves but john i mean don't you think of my job to judge the job and it was such a such little time for such a big story here do you think the u.s. though at the end of the day has it's failed to recognize the threat posed by north caucuses or terrorist groups. i definitely think that i think that it's
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absolutely certain that political groups in washington have downplayed the chechen threat and they have instead to trade the more or less as freedom fighters but the the suggestion i'm putting to you now is that there may be even more than that to it that it can be to the advantage of certain powers that a terrorist attack be committed on american soil and i think that line of questioning at least should be open at the moment until we have further information and obviously the united states has shown a staunch support for rebel groups in syria for example and in libya as well even betraying them and sometimes in a romanticised life as you were saying earlier some of the people from the north caucuses or some called freedom fighters or do you think it sends the wrong signals to young americans. undoubtedly i mean as you've suggested in your question the rebels in syria who are overwhelmingly
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islamists are themselves being portrayed as democracy fighters in the western media so yes that is going to give a bad message and it is going to encourage certain people to to be radicalized but once again you know i can't help raising in my mind the question of whether there is not a more a more domestic motive for this because after all in the case of syria or in other serious uprisings there is a network there is an armed force of rebels in this case it seems that the attack was not part of any larger armed uprising there's no armed insurrection in boston and so in that sense the terrorist attack is senseless it only makes sense or it might be considered to make sense only as a pretext for further clampdowns on civil liberties in america and for further war supposedly against islamist abroad drawn off into the director of studies the
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institute of democracy and cooperation live in paris wish we had more time for this we don't but i sure will see you in the future at some point thank you very much for sharing your time with us on r.t. today. well after a dramatic month manhunt for the brothers there's still plenty of uncertainty surrounding the case at r.t. dot com we have an opinion piece pointing out several glaring inconsistency in the official account of the standoff with the suspect so you can log on to check it out . now serbia is a step closer to joining the european union after the e.u. commission recommended starting talks on membership is hot on the heels of belgrade approving a deal with its a breakaway territory cause of the deal drugs cause of ethnic albanian leadership control over the area while serbian minorities will receive autonomy as with in kosovo and to e.u. activists covets says brussels has blackmailed his country to push through its agenda you officials said three hours before the election for serbian president we
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were all there done is the new college is a winner it was a message to serbian people serbian politicians and all the world that the hip chooses the regime to finish the job the democratic party and other euro has started and looked over to the food it is used it is pushing discloses not to serve the nation but the bill additions you see as being officials and leaders are deeply corrupted so it was the way to me and those people to finish the job did did they hear to give and. balkans. and i while some countries bang on the door to get into the e.u. others are finding their memberships rules are driving them into desperate measures greece is up for grabs for the largest fire sale in history from pristine coastlines to ancient palaces just to keep its economy afloat and those details
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just ahead for you. or the star to live from moscow from h. and palaces to entire islands greece is selling off seventy thousand lots of state assets to desperately raise whatever cash it can be described as the largest fire sale in history but it's vital to getting the next financial injection from the country's creditors and there are no limits on the paymaster's appetite as one greek filmmaker told us here about say we have a soaring unemployment that in a few months we reach thirty. people in committing suicide in the streets we have homeless all around here so we're living in a humanitarian crisis that we haven't seen since. world war the economic elites that actually control the greek government at least some point to what i imagine the c b really wanted to do now that the real now is that there is
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a problem that we cannot continue with this just there are people who see unfortunately the sci fi doesn't happen for the greek government that the us will be on there it's coming from brussels or or believe. the sea to the realization that if you don't accept its history or you see. everything we pull out in a few days or a few hours the country should default and probably even exit the euro zone drawing doesn't understand that his biggest struggle and especially math and europeans are not. just here to save big financial institutions and b. banks don't pay attention to the relation. now citizens' anger isn't just over having their public assets sold off to help buying the actual public the country's minerals are also open to be exploited by the highest bid at about the fair this time is more ecology than a commie is on his tongue bottom discover it. protest in paradise the cause
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proposals to expand gold mines here were on a mountain road near the village of strat-o. ne in northern greece there were the protesters who lodged in their position against the mine here further on the mountain road the riot police blocking them from getting to the village this process is just one of those showing the intensity of feeling surrounding the subject here greece is how he did keep an insular is renowned of my tourists for its beauty but it also contains precious metals which canada's eldorado gold corporation wants to extract but split the region here any other source locals want to protect their traditional trades. mining activity is the worst that could happen to this area mining and be keeping cannot co-exist. and protect the health and environment that i'm in panic because the mining will destroy our clean air and clean water part of the problem is the process used to
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extract and purify gold and other metals which critics say will lead contamination by cyanide and other chemicals this method. results in getting the metals from the office all of that metals the majority of them and live in there with a lot of that is it to us as we travel up into the hills where forest has already been cleared the mining company security trails us persuade. the stock goes up you do that with security and locals are you arguing that this is a checkpoint they don't want us to film we want to pass honest public roads but i don't this show was about television to between the locals and finding good idea of the good of. tensions indeed the locals have destroyed some of the company's heavy machinery and ransacked the police station police have raided homes in the middle of the night to arrest suspects and fired tear gas at protesters but they. there is
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as much support for eldorado here is criticism both from the government and other villages whose mining populations welcome the possibility of thousands of extra jobs at a time of deep recession around half of the nearby villages approach mine and deeply critical of anti mining protesters to go up with you these people who are unemployed cause many problems by telling lies their only purpose is to shut the mines down in fact they want nothing they don't want any development. eldorado gold refused to talk to us but they say they won't be leaving the area. the locals in the area source say they won't let mining go ahead without a fight but that if they do lose they will be leaving this corner of greece that they love so much tom bottom r.t. . and then i just a few moments here on our table take a look at the anti-government rallies that have been escalating in bahrain that and more world news just ahead.
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world. series technology innovation called the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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remove the international airport in the very heart of moscow. he is coming to live from moscow with me will receive formula one has wrapped up in bahrain with anti-government protesters clashing with the police to try and disrupt the controversial hosting of the event security officers stormed areas where pro-reform activists gathered suppressing most opposition marches the protesters have been using the formula one race to george tension to human rights abuse uses in the country demanding more international pressure on the ruling family the head of monitoring of the bahrain center for human rights told me that they have achieved their goals. get behind it with a t.
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you want to join us only to come out of the fun with this but we have succeeded to do what we took up out of the other side of the ten thousand people who are demanding a democracy and a pretty damn good that doesn't the people who are supposed to be thinking don't go because in those times that's happening to my people but then i don't think because i need a phone right now and by then this second lockdown is continuing the killing is continuing that tactic is continuing he has said that government has. one time they have cracked down to put this sort of they have at us a bit one hundred protesters so far and many many house they admit you for all of that because the phone for that one but i mean i don't think that is i need a phone so far out of my and also. this environment that to the prime minister who was in his position for forty two years but we will continue the peaceful to put this we will continue the struggle we continue to focus on one hand to deal with
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what people will achieve their demand and i'm sure they will keep it to be but they take time. and you can find many more stories on our website. called including for example right now this was from anonymous call for a web blackout in protest over an infamous. bill basically allows authorities to harvest private information without any type of. telescope three planets where human life may be sustainable still scanning the skies for an earth like with the like alice on those details on the website as well . some of the global headlines for you in brief and there's no sign of the angry protests ending in new delhi where hundreds of people have been rallying for a day of the police about the rape of a five year old girl as are accused of ignoring the girl's parents when they
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reported her missing at the child's condition is said to be slightly improving and a second man is being arrested over the years old and there are regular protests over the authorities failure to clamp down on attacks against women. at least one hundred eighty five people were being killed in northern nigeria in intense gun fights between the military and islamist insurgents in the clashes began on friday near the border with chad where members of the book militant group attacked state troops of the insurgency has been simmering since two thousand and nine and has claimed thousands of lives. is demanding the release of his jailed members wants to impose islamic law in the region. a new unmanned rocket has blasted into orbit from nasa's spaceport just off the coast of virginia the on taurus rocket represents a key milestone for the private u.s. company behind the launch orbital sciences corporation which regular cargo
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deliveries to the international space station. a gunman has opened fire in a shop and west and russia killing at least six people including two girls aged fourteen and sixteen. now joins us live here with all the details here on good to see you what do you know can you bring us up to speed well yes absolutely does looks like basically a bloody massacre in the middle of the day in the russian city where as you have said at least six people have been killed three inside the hunting store which was sort of the place where the bloody killing started it what we what we know at this point is that a suspect a thirty one year old man allegedly entered the store were determined to rob it he walked out with a short rifle and then started shooting we don't know exactly what set him off but we do know that three people he killed inside the store and then he took to the street where he shot three more passer bys among them two girls for
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a fourteen year old who died on the scene and then the sixteen year old was rushed to hospital but unfortunately doctors could not save her we are with the sport we all know we're also getting reports from the police that they have changed on the entire area of a city where the suspect is allegedly hiding they're looking for him literally every single person in the police department all of the town has been raised to his or her feet the mayor as well as the governor off the region are also police you know often heard or the man here's the kicker the thirty one year old nancy gaping was doing was just released from prison last year where he was for robbery and assaulting a lawyer and. fish oil and. several months. back out on the streets literally killing people going on this terrible. terrible murder spree you can call every day. the police are on high alert in the region all eyes
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are open right now for this point but we'll touch base with you very very soon to get the latest on this developing story aussies are going to show thank you. when we come back here on a close look at the part of america one state that's determined to go it alone and this is what. the movie world war z z being for zombie which stars brad pitt as one hundred seventy five million dollar budget has been recalled by paramount executives not because this is probably yet another stupid violent zombie movie but because the chinese might get offended according to the wrap dot com china was supposed to take the blame for starting the evil zombie apocalypse this time but china becoming the largest foreign market for american movies made artistic integrity fly out the window to protect the bottom dollar as is tradition and hollywood this is not the
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first time that there has been pro-choice censorship in hollywood the remake of red dawn which was originally a cold war era a minstrel show against russians was supposed to show a chinese invasion of america this time however they have changed it to north koreans who can't even defeat the us military in south korea let alone at an away game in the usa the thing that is interesting is not the censorship is the fact that they will censor movies for whoever's got a lot of cash countries the big markets won't be offended but countries with small markets will this is a complete prostitute mentality show that love to any guy who's got bills in his palm you know i was always pretty sure there were a lot of prostitutes working in hollywood i didn't know they actually started making the movies but that's just my opinion.
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download. cation so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter i would. mobile device you can watch all it see anytime anywhere. parks can. see. regarding what the republic of texas was in eighteen thirty six a number of people who had moved here from north america. at the invitation of the mexican government to settle here they were being chased out by the new president of mexico was also general of the armies there.


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